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    By Carrie Robertson, on 10 Sep 2024

    Why 30 years later, they still choose gpm: a client’s journey

    Introducing Verlingue’s Journey with gpm: An Interview with Audrey Henshaw

    As Verlingue’s Head of Operations, Audrey Henshaw plays a pivotal role in steering the company.

    In this exclusive interview, Audrey reflects on Verlingue’s 30-year partnership with gpm, sharing insights into how our software has supported their operations, why they considered switching systems, and ultimately, why they chose to stay.

    Audrey also offers a glimpse into the future, highlighting the features and support that continue to make gpm a trusted partner in Verlingue’s success.

    Experience with gpm Development

    1. Can you describe how gpm’s software has supported your business operations over the years?

    I feel we didn’t engage with gpm for a number of years and failed to update the system, we fell behind and only realised this when Barry and I started the Blueprint 2 project. Only then did we realise what we had been missing.

    2. What specific features or aspects of our software have been most beneficial to your workflow?

    Moving to the new cloud based system has been the most beneficial to our workflow.

    3. Can you share any examples of how our software has helped you overcome specific challenges or improve efficiency?

    Having the new reverse flow office and changing the structure has streamlined how we work and report.

    Decision to stay with gpm

    4. What prompted you to consider looking for a replacement system?

    Initially we looked for an alternative system due to Blueprint 2 and having a system that would support us through the change in legislation.

    5. What criteria were you looking for in a potential new system?

    We wanted a system that could support us and be there as we expanded.

    6. During your search, what did you find lacking in other systems compared to gpm’s solutions?

    gpm’s systems, we liked the new apps, the reporting. Some of the other systems were not as adaptable or were not London Market systems.

    7. How has our customer support and service influenced your decision to remain with gpm?

    The team at gpm are very supportive and helpful and this was one of the main reasons to stay with you.

    We like how Sharon, Sam and Geoff are always helpful and happy to jump on call to resolve issues.

    8. What ultimately made you decide to stay with gpm?

    We liked the inFOCUS app especially the reporting.

    Future and Recommendations

    9. What future developments or enhancements would you like to see in gpm’s software?

    A mobile app to allow you to access the system when out of the office, Sanction search within the system.

    10. How do you see the continued partnership with gpm supporting your company’s goals?

    I really enjoy the user groups and how the team listen to the needs of their users.

    11. What advice would you give to other insurance brokers considering gpm’s software solutions?

    Ensure the software is adaptable to future technological advancements and regulatory changes in the industry as I believe gpm offer all this with great support.

    Personal Insights

    12. Can you share any memorable experiences or anecdotes from your time working with gpm?

    When using the new reporting system and understanding our requirement, Sharon showed great patience and understanding.

    13. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience with gpm ?

    Great team 😊

    End note

    Thanks very much to Audrey and the team at Verlingue.

    We look forward to many more years of working closely together.

    We love how this case study highlights how important engagement is for getting the most out of partnerships between clients and suppliers.

    It can save money, retain income and is so much more rewarding for all concerned!

    To find out more about inFOCUS modular solutions, contact us today.

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