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    By Emma Weiss, on 22 Mar 2022

    Meet the Team: find out more about executive assistant Sarah Tilbury

    Good teams need good business support, and gpm are lucky to have this in the form of Sarah Tilbury, executive assistant.

    Sarah’s role covers accounting, recruitment, HR and event management. It seems a lot, but she is a highly organised individual. Wearing many different ‘hats’, Sarah seamlessly supports our customer-facing team, freeing up their time to support clients.

    In line with many other firms in the insurance market, Sarah is currently overseeing a successful move to hybrid working for gpm with the support of cloud technology – enabling our team to work effectively, wherever they are. Our clients already benefit from gpm’s cloud-based products, all of which improve productivity, streamline business processes and allow employees to work from any location.

    “The move away from a physical office space is good news for gpm,” said Sarah. “We have been working remotely during the pandemic and it has been hugely successful, thanks to the systems that we use.

    “Working as a remote team will open up so many more opportunities for us in terms of recruitment – I am excited to bring new people on board, broadening our talent base and creating a more diverse workforce.”

    Sarah is also at the forefront of gpm’s adoption of EOS, an Entrepreneurial Operating System®, offering simple concepts and practical tools to help entrepreneurs improve their business practices. “gpm is committed to growth, and using EOS means we are all working towards the same things in a smoother, easier way.”

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