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    By Carrie Robertson, on 27 Aug 2024

    inFOCUS CONTRACT prototype is ready – it’s a game changer!

    What is inFOCUS CONTRACT?

    Integral to our inFOCUS modular family of solutions is inFOCUS CONTRACT. Your risk lifecycle starting point, for new business or renewal.

    Whether you’re at initial quote or firm order stage, CONTRACT will enable you to quickly and easily capture the core data you need to place the risk electronically.

    You will then be able to send the data captured in CONTRACT into the market. Including to Velonetic, placing platforms or our back-office system.

    Why are we making a prototype?

    In order to give our customers a feel of what we’re trying to do, we’ve created a prototype using Figma’s prototyping tools.

    We’ve built a no-code, interactive prototype so we can ensure we get our user needs and preferences incorporated into the app.

    This iterative process enables us to refine the user interface and experience based on our customer and end user feedback.

    Ultimately resulting in a much-improved user experience!

    The dashboard

    The first port of call, when a customer logs-in, is the clean and simple dashboard interface. A visual access to the rest of the data.

    The dashboard, like the rest of the prototype, is intuitive and easy to use.

    The simple display shows a summary of the key data, with colour coding to help emphasise priorities.

    It’s easy to see your top customers, where your risks are spread and what’s on your to do list.

    Customisable according to business role & needs

    Our aim is to put data capture design in our customers hands. So, you can design your screens according to your business and individual’s roles and responsibilities.

    inFOCUS CONTRACT is easily customisable to suit the data needs of different business types and roles.

    For example, for business owners or managers, the view can be set for income and performance.

    Whereas technicians or account executives need to log-in and see clear information and a guide as to what to do next, from showing which risks to renew or who to chase.

    Audit trail

    InFOCUS CONTRACT also tracks and displays a full audit of who did what and when.

    So you have a complete audit trail to refer to as and when needed.


    We’re excited to share our prototype and to understand where our customers see the biggest value and gains to counteract their biggest pains today.

    This is central to the key questions we will be asking when testing the prototype: Does this module and prototype help solve your pain points?

    We are at the start of that journey and we’re ready to prioritise the functionality we deliver based on our customers’ needs and feedback.

    Creating an intuitive, easy to use software, to make our customers’ lives easier is at the heart of all we do.

    If you’d like to be part of the journey and take part in one of our user group sessions, please get in touch.

    To find out more about inFOCUS modular solutions, contact us today.

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